Article directory

Article directories are websites where users submit unique articles to be categorized and included to a specific niche. Well-written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of increasing the authoring business' credibility within its market as well as attracting new clients.


Submitting Articles for SEO

Article directories allow users to submit unique articles to the directory. These directories allow articles to embed links to other websites with relevant Anchor text. Popular article directories are considered authority sites and are constantly crawled by Search Engine Bots. Webmasters submit articles with relevant anchor text linking back to their site and obtain powerful backlinks.

Article Structure and Format

For SEO purposes, the ideal article length is 400-500 words with a keyword density of approximately 2%-3%. While discussion has been increasing lately on the effectivenes of longer or shorter articles, it remains general practice to submit articles in the 400-500 word range. Most article submission sites allow links, but they usually limit the amount to 2-3. The backlinks should have anchor text created using HREF tags. Most article directories prohibit keyword stuffing, so it is good practice to use multiple anchor text and links in the article.

See also
